The Top 15 Best Apps For Sleep in 2024

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Some best apps For sleep are integrated into mobile devices.  Sleep is essential to keeping a healthy lifestyle for the body and mind. With the increasing encroachment of technology in our lives, it may seem like smartphones are contributing to our sleeplessness. However, many apps are designed to counteract this issue and aid in a peaceful night’s sleep.

The Role of Technology in Sleep

With our increasingly digital lives, the use of technology before bedtime has become a routine for many. Studies have shown that the blue light emitted by screens on cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions controls the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep/wake cycles. Reduced melatonin can lead to difficulty falling asleep and reduced REM sleep, crucial for memory and mood stabilization.

Moreover, the interactive nature of modern technology, such as engaging in social media, playing games, or reading news, can stimulate the brain and further delay sleep. Given these challenges, the idea that technology can provide solutions might seem contradictory, but that’s where sleep apps come in.

Here are the top 15 apps that can help you sleep better:

One of the best apps For sleep



One of the best apps For sleep is Calm. Not just a sleep aid, Calm is a meditation app that offers guided sessions to help with stress, anxiety, and relaxation. Its “Sleep Stories” feature offers soothing tales read by celebrities like Matthew McConaughey, ensuring you drift off to dreamland comfortably.

Suppose you want a better night’s rest. You may shift from our hectic environment into a calm condition favourable to quickly falling asleep by including meditation in your evening routine.  The most well-liked addition to a nighttime ritual is one of our Sleep Stories.

Let’s start with Stephen Fry’s narration of the lavender-themed tale Blue Gold. To access our complete range of Sleep Stories, press “Sleep” at the bottom of the Home screen. Last, you can fall asleep to a range of soothing music. This list can be found on the ‘Sleep’ page under the ‘Music’ category.

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Subscription: Monthly, yearly, lifetime

Free Trial: 7 days

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Best Apps For Sleep

This app provides guided meditations for various purposes, including sleep. With specialized “sleepcasts” 45-55 minute audio experiences, you can find yourself in calming scenarios like a slow-moving train or a rain-soaked forest.

The flexibility of Headspace’s programming contributes to its popularity. Workouts in “Move Mode” are made to keep you moving all day. You can also practice “SOS” meditations—which last just a few seconds—for periods of extreme stress or worry. While these applications may encourage sleep and restfulness, neither sleep-tracking information nor any alarm is present in another one of the best apps for sleep, Headspace.

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Subscription: Monthly, yearly

Free Trial: 7 days (monthly subscription), 14 days (yearly subscription)

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Sleep Sound  – Relax Melodies


As the name suggests, this app is a sleep sound mixer, allowing you to combine different sounds like rain, wind, and waves to create the perfect sleep backdrop. You can also layer meditation sounds and even set a sleep timer.

Get happier, sleep better, and stress less. You can practice mindfulness and meditation with Headspace to treat your mind nicely. Learn how to unwind, control your stress, become focused, and let go of mental and physical strain. Utilize Headspace to find peace in the ordinary.

Web Link: 

Subscription: $144.99

Free Version: Yes

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Offering a mix of sleep stories, meditations, and soundscapes, Slumber aims to put its users to sleep within minutes. You can customize the stories with sound effects, like rain or thunderstorms. Slumber collaborates with the world’s best meditation masters to provide guided meditations that put you in a deeper level of relaxation so you can sleep.

Web Link:

Subscription: $3.99 a month

Free Version: Yes

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This app uses a unique algorithm to generate a slightly different soundtrack every time you use it, ensuring you don’t get used to and eventually ignore the sounds. It combines music, voiceovers, and sound effects to send you off to sleep.

Get the most cutting-edge sleep and power napping app available. Fast, uninterrupted sleep that leaves you feeling rested. The stunning dreamscapes that Pzizz creates will aid in your ability to fall asleep quickly, stay asleep, and awaken feeling rejuvenated.

Web Link:

Subscription: Yearly $49.99, Monthly $7.99

Free Trial: Yes

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10% Happier


Originally designed for meditation sceptics, 10% Happier has a range of guided meditations, including ones specifically for sleep. Their sessions are based on real-life practicalities rather than vague concepts.

Web Link:

Subscription: $8.33/month, billed annually at $99.99

Free version: Yes

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Sleep Cycle


More than a sleep aid, this app tracks your sleep patterns to wake you up at the most optimal part of your sleep cycle. The alarm clock function analyzes your sleep and ensures you wake up feeling refreshed rather than groggy.

The goal of Sleep Cycle is to improve sleep around the globe. We hope that by using Sleep Cycle to monitor your sleep patterns and determine the best time to wake up, you’ll help bring about the change that will lead to greater health.

Web Link:

Subscription: $29.99/year

Free Trial: 1-week free trial

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This app calculates your sleep cycles and tells you the best times to go to bed and wake up. It’s simple: input when you need to wake up, and it will provide a few ideal bedtimes to ensure you wake up between sleep cycles.

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Subscription: No

Free Version: Yes

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Noisli lets you mix different sounds to create your perfect sleep environment. Whether you want the gentle hum of a coffee shop or the sound of rain on leaves, you can combine them in any way you like.

For work, study, or sleep, Noisli provides free online background noises that you can mix and match to create relaxing soundscapes. Noisli can help mask loud noises like airport, traffic, or office noise, reduce tension, sharpen attention, and provide a restful environment for sleep and relaxation. Whether you commute, commute from home or the workplace, study, or want to rest and relax after a long day, Noisli is your constant friend.

Web Link:

Subscription: $10 per month (billed yearly)

Free Version: Yes

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White Noise Lite


Sometimes, we need the consistent hum of white noise to drown out the world. This app offers a variety of white noises, from the standard static sound to appliances like fans or washing machines.

Web Link:

Subscription: $49.99 USD/year

Free Version: Yes

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Insight Timer


A massive library of free meditations, including many tailored for sleep, makes Insight Timer a go-to app for many. It has a community-driven approach with meditations and talks from various teachers worldwide. The most popular meditation timer in the world, 17k teachers, and the largest FREE library of guided meditations in the world can all be found in one app.

Web Link:

Subscription: US$60 a year

Free Version: Yes

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Night Shift


Not a standalone app but a feature on Apple devices, Night Shift adjusts the colour temperature of your screen during the evening hours, reducing blue light, which can interfere with melatonin production. Positional therapy, such as the Night Shift LE, treats snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. You may quickly read data, watch your sleep, and assess how effective the therapy is for you.

The Night Shift LE, which can be worn around the neck or chest, is proprietary, FDA-cleared, and clinically proven therapy for individuals with positional obstructive sleep apnea (POSA). You may check the effectiveness of your sleep and therapy treatments with the Night Shift App, receive daily detailed reports, and modify the device’s settings. Additionally, you can wirelessly email the reports from the app to yourself or your doctor.

Web Link: No


Free Version: Yes

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My Sleep Button


This app uses a cognitive science technique called the “cognitive shuffle,” making your brain focus on random words or scenes, a method proven to hasten sleep onset. Adults live in a “left-brain” world where language and thought dominate. In contrast, young children spend a lot of time playing and daydreaming. Of course, adults view a lot of visuals, including pictures, logos, television, movies, and videos.

However, they frequently engage in passive behaviour when chatting loudly or not. According to sleep specialists, people frequently have “micro-dreams” and visual images as they drift off to sleep. The various visions people conjure up can aid in sleep. On the other hand, continuing to ponder verbally, analytically, and problematically can postpone the beginning of sleep. With the aid of mySleepButton, you can replace your internal mental dialogue with a dreamy parade of various visuals that may be more sleep-promoting.

Web Link:

Subscription: No

Free Version: Yes

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Best Apps For Sleep

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to improving mental health. Aura is the first comprehensive wellness app that learns how to assist you best. Discover a never-ending collection of professionally produced tracks for your well-being taught by the world’s top trainers, therapists, and storytellers. You can find tranquillity with Aura’s individualized recommendations every morning, day, and night. Your mind and body can suffer from poor sleep, impacting everyday activities. Aura’s sleep tracks, which are tailored for you, can help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Web Link:

Subscription:$11.99 monthly, $59.99 annually

Free Version: Yes
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Similar to Night Shift but for Android users, Twilight adjusts your device’s screen colour to reduce blue light as the evening progresses. By matching the sun’s natural cycles, it aids in preparing your body for sleep.

Web Link:

Subscription: $4.99

Free Version: Yes

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Effectiveness of Sleep Apps


Unlike generic solutions, many sleep apps allow users to personalize their experience. For example, individuals can tailor sounds in many apps to match what they find most relaxing, whether it’s the patter of rain, the buzz of a bustling café, or a gentle melody.

Behavioural Change

Some apps help individuals recognize and modify behaviours inhibiting sleep. By tracking sleep patterns, people can identify what might affect their sleep, such as caffeine consumption, late-night meals, or screen time.

Meditative Benefits

Apps that use guided meditation or storytelling can benefit individuals who struggle with racing thoughts. These apps redirect the focus of the mind, calming anxieties and creating a peaceful state conducive to sleep.


One key to better sleep is routine. Several apps promote a consistent sleep schedule by reminding users when to sleep and wake up, ensuring that the body’s internal clock remains regulated.

Limitations and Considerations

While sleep those best apps for sleep can be beneficial, they aren’t a silver bullet. It’s vital to keep a holistic approach to sleep hygiene. Some considerations include:


Ensure the sleeping environment is conducive to rest. This means a comfortable mattress, suitable room temperature, and minimal light and noise disruptions.

Limit Screen Time

While sleep apps can be helpful, staring at a screen until the moment one closes their eyes can be counterproductive. Start the app and set the phone aside, or use a blue light filter on the device in the evening.

Consult Professionals

Persistent sleep issues might indicate a deeper problem, such as sleep apnea or insomnia. In such cases, consulting a medical professional or sleep specialist is crucial rather than relying solely on apps.

Last but not least, While these apps can be valuable tools in your arsenal against sleeplessness, it’s essential to remember the basics:
  • Maintaining a regular sleep schedule.
  • Ensuring a dark and quiet sleeping environment.
  • Avoiding caffeine or heavy meals before bedtime.

Technology’s influence on sleep is a double-edged sword. While our devices can keep us awake with their endless notifications and blue light, they can also offer solutions tailored to individual sleep needs. The key is to use technology mindfully, ensuring that our devices serve our well-being rather than hinder it. When combined with other healthy habits, sleep apps can pave the way for restful nights and energetic days.

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